Dienstag, 9. Mai 2006


Hab ich eigentlich schon erzählt dass ich ab morgen auf der Säuglingsstation arbeite?!


Das wird hoffentlich sooooooo schön, mit ganz vielen süßen kleinen Babys! :)

What Kind of Spirit are you?

ou are an Open-Minded spirit!

Your Best Trait: Being open-minded is great for gaining new friends! People like to open up to you because they know you won't judge them. People think of you as a true friend.

Why Guys Would like You: Being as open-minded as you are, you're more likely to see the real guy, not just the outside. If you like him for the real him, he would undoubtedly return the favor. ^-^

If you Were a Mythical Creature: You'd be a phoenix. Intriguing and and free, the phoenix is very curious, and can often tell a lot about a person with very little thought.

You in a Nutshell: Keep being open-minded about things and you'll go very far. Being so optimistic, you'll find opportunities everywhere you look! People like that in you, so keep it up!

Aktuelle Beiträge

Ja hi erstmal hab ne kleine frage zu dem foto *hust*...
..HakI.. (Gast) - 10. Apr, 16:54
ich finde auch sooo viele...
ich finde auch sooo viele englische wörter schön! suspicious...
Jule (Gast) - 15. Okt, 12:56
hmmm.... ja... falls...
hmmm.... ja... falls es noch jemanden interessiert,...
Wolkentage - 1. Mai, 22:08
Wo bist du?
Wir haben ja seit langem keinen Kontakt mehr...aber...
Mark (Gast) - 21. Feb, 21:29
ich weiss net um was...
ich weiss net um was es geht, was das für ein examen...
pia. - 4. Dez, 22:07

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