What is your soul trying to say?

Description: Your inner soul is saying love me baby! You are the hottest person of the bunch and everyone longs to go out with you, let alone touch you! You seem to have put a spell on everyone around you because when you walk into the room, you're centre of attention! You mystify everyone with your beauty and presence. You're constantly around people who love and adore you, or you're the one spreading the love! You put passion into everything you do and the results end up great! You love to hang out with your friends, go to the mall, and just have a good time in general. Your sanctuary would just be being able to be around other people. You would rarely be found by yourself because you're a very sociable person and enjoy all the company you can get. However, despite the amount of love you have to give to others, it can also be your downfall. Sometimes you're just a tad over protective over the things/people you love. But hey! Who can blame you for marking your territory? Your lover/friends/family is/are extremely lucky to have you because many others are probably dying to be with you, yet alone get a chance to talk to you ^-^ Continue spreading the love and be loved.
Quote: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched But are felt in the heart
Poem Verse:
Beauty is upon you like the dolphins as they leap.
Beauty is upon you like the peace that comes with sleep.
Beauty is upon you like ten thousand whispering sighs.
Beauty is upon you like true love that never dies...
(Denis Martindale)
Symbol: A heart (you cant live without) +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+
Mach mit!
Holla die Waldfee! *g*
Hmmm... ehrlich gesagt, keine Ahnung ob das stimmt, irgendwie ja, irgendwie nein, irgendwie gar nicht, irgendwie doch ein bisschen keine Ahnung *schulterzuck* ich bin komisch *g*
Wolkentage - 18. Jul, 22:17
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