How many Souls do you have and wich element are they hiding in?

You have Two souls and they lie in both the Darkness and Light. Your souls have chosen the Darkness and Light because you are Confused, Indifferent, and Torn. You are a very upset and torn individual because you constantly have battles within yourself to decide what is wrong and what is right. You are a very rare person who has a soul from the light realm and a soul from the dark realm. An Angel and a Demon. It must be very hard being you because you never now what to do. And since you dont have your souls helping you chose what to do it makes it worse. To find your souls you must accept them and stop trying to ignore them. Go to a secluded area in the daytime and talk to your light soul as if it was an actual person. Tell it that you accept it and close your eyes. Take in a deep breath and inhale your light soul. Do the same for your dark soul accept do it at nighttime. You will still be torn between decisions sometimes but at least you'll have two souls to share the stress with. You wont be alone. Your souls will be waiting for you.
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Schönes Bild, ich liebe Chobits! Und das Ergebnis ist auch.... interessant....
Wolkentage - 24. Jul, 02:20
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