Freitag, 19. Mai 2006

What is killing your soul?

Your soul is dying from:
A long time ago you made some kind of a mistake that still hunts you every time you close your eyes. Because of this guilt you cant live with yourself and you want to compensate for your mistake by helping others. The feeling is so strong that it feels as if its eating you inside out! My advice to you is to forget about it because nothing good is going to come out of it!

Color: Gold.
Quote: Im sorry I cant be perfect.
Flower: Pink Lily.
Gem: Montana Agate.
Element: Air.
Weapon: Chakram.
Animal: Raven.

Selber versuchen?

PS.: ziemlich geiler Spruch aus dem Quiz: "Even if the voices are not real, they have pretty good ideas!"

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Brianna (Gast) - 19. Mai, 23:50

Habs versucht

Your soul isnt dying!
You have a caring soul, and always see the good side to all things. You are the person that has alot of energy and you cant help but show it. Your eyes normally shine when you are around people. Everybody loves you because you are free spirited and you know how to live your life. People like to be around you because you make them laugh and smile. My advice to you is to keep it up!

Color: White.
Quote: Always listen to your heart, because your head has too much to say.
Flower: Orange flower.
Gem: Diamond.
Element: Light.
Weapon: Shuriken.

Animal: Dove.

~Kann mich da sogar zum Teil drin wiederfinden :)

Wolkentage - 20. Mai, 05:02

Stimmt doch irgendwie und passt zu dir :)

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