Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2006

What does your Dream World look like?

Your dream world would be a deserted island full of mysterious temples where magic takes place within. Some might find your world to be a little dreary, but it has great beauty in your eyes. You find a safety in your world, and that is why you like to escape to it.

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anders als sonst, anders als du

What Does Your Dream World Look Like? (with beautiful pics)

Your dream world would include a dreary and ornate mansion that only you know about. It would be near a sea the color of coal, yet the water would be cold as winter and pure as the feathers of a dove. The only light would come from the moon, as if the stars were swollowed up by the darkness emanating from your world. Your world represents your desire to own a secret space all your own, with no one around to disrupt you. You can sometimes be quick to anger, but you are good at controlling your temper and hiding your true feelings, and therefore that makes you a generally calm person.
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