Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2005

What does your spirit look like?

What does your spirit look like? (amazing anime pics!)

brought to you by Quizilla

Your inner spirit is very kind-hearted!

Not only do you take amazing care of yourself, but you do of your friends and family as well. They see you as someone they can always talk to, and they know that you'll always be there to lend an ear. Your very sweet, kind, and caring, but you can also be sort of quiet and shy from time-to-time, but thats okay! As long as you remember that as much as you like to help others, you can always go to them for help as well. They'll always be there for you.

6417 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 68260 times.
9% of people had this result.

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Sven Lotz (Gast) - 18. Dez, 12:42


Vier Fragen? Boah, ich hasse so lange Tests... :P

Wolkentage - 18. Dez, 12:50

Hat doch keiner was von anspruchsvoll behauptet, oder? ;)

Aktuelle Beiträge

Ja hi erstmal hab ne kleine frage zu dem foto *hust*...
..HakI.. (Gast) - 10. Apr, 16:54
ich finde auch sooo viele...
ich finde auch sooo viele englische wörter schön! suspicious...
Jule (Gast) - 15. Okt, 12:56
hmmm.... ja... falls...
hmmm.... ja... falls es noch jemanden interessiert,...
Wolkentage - 1. Mai, 22:08
Wo bist du?
Wir haben ja seit langem keinen Kontakt mehr...aber...
Mark (Gast) - 21. Feb, 21:29
ich weiss net um was...
ich weiss net um was es geht, was das für ein examen...
pia. - 4. Dez, 22:07

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