Montag, 17. April 2006

Lied des Tages

My Lullaby, hung out to dry
What's up with that? It's over
Where are you dad, Mom's lookin' sad
What's up with that? It's dark in here

Why, bleeding is breathing
You're hiding underneath the smoke in the room
Try, bleeding is believing
I used to

My mouth is dry, forgot how to cry
What's up with that? You're hurting me
I'm running fast, can't hide the past
What's up with that? You're pushing me

Why, bleeding is breathing
You're hiding underneath the smoke in the room
Try, bleeding is believing
I used to
I used to

Why, bleeding is breathing
You're hiding underneath the smoke in the room
Try, bleeding is believing
I saw you crawling on the floor

Why, bleeding is believing
You're hiding underneath the smoke in the room
Try, bleeding is believing
I saw you crawling to the door

Why, bleeding is believing
You're hiding underneath the smoke in the room
Try, bleeding is believing
I saw you falling on the floor

~Natalie Imbruglia - Smoke~

Ein wunderschöner Ohrwurm dieses Lied, den ich unter anderem gerade wegen diesem wunderschönen Anime Music Video (Link führt zum Download von ZIP-Datei, VORSICHT: 44 MB!) der wunderschönen Anime Serie 'Serial Experiments Lain' habe...

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Aktuelle Beiträge

Ja hi erstmal hab ne kleine frage zu dem foto *hust*...
..HakI.. (Gast) - 10. Apr, 16:54
ich finde auch sooo viele...
ich finde auch sooo viele englische wörter schön! suspicious...
Jule (Gast) - 15. Okt, 12:56
hmmm.... ja... falls...
hmmm.... ja... falls es noch jemanden interessiert,...
Wolkentage - 1. Mai, 22:08
Wo bist du?
Wir haben ja seit langem keinen Kontakt mehr...aber...
Mark (Gast) - 21. Feb, 21:29
ich weiss net um was...
ich weiss net um was es geht, was das für ein examen...
pia. - 4. Dez, 22:07

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