Samstag, 22. April 2006


Hier gabs schon sooo lange keinen Test mehr... aber das hat jetzt ein Ende ;)

What kind of Spirit do you have?

Spirit of Light.
You see the world through grateful, kind eyes. Your spirit is pure, and he/she is very loving and sentimental. Help those who are in need of the light, especially those who possess the Spirit of Destruction and Darkness.

Probiers doch auch :)

Naja, bis auf die Farbe (weiß *schauder* da bin ich lieber Schwarzlicht *g*) stimmts eigentlich (grenzt das jetzt schon an Eigenlob? *ggg*

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Mauzi - 22. Apr, 12:51

ich hab auch!

What kind of spirit do you have? +detailed results+

Spirit of Happiness. Not many things can drag you down, and this bubbly spirit won't allow you to dwell on your troubles too long. This spirit is also known as the "free spirit." Little pleasures in life make you and the spirit happy, but not everyone has a spirit like your's. Some can't help but be sad or angry.ELEMENT: WINDCOLOR: YELLOWSEASON: SUMMERTRAITS: HAPPY, MAKE OTHERS WANT TO SMILE
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nightsky - 22. Apr, 19:20

Spirit of Destruction

Like a war raging, you and this hidden spirit are constantly trying to have control over your actions, but sometimes the spirit wins. It has a tendency to harm others, and the only way to lock up this evil spirit is help from the Spirit of Light. It could be hard to stop this formidable spirit because it turns away from all good, refusing help, just like the Spirit of Darkness. ELEMENT: FIRECOLOR: REDSEASON: WINTERTRAITS: COLD, DESTRUCTIVE, MISUNDERSTOOD

RunningCouchPotatoe - 23. Apr, 03:14


ich hab das gleiche wie du...damit hätte ich echt nicht gerechnet...

What kind of spirit do you have? +detailed results+

Spirit of Light. You see the world through grateful, kind eyes. Your spirit is pure, and he/she is very loving and sentimental. Help those who are in need of the light, especially those who possess the Spirit of Destruction and Darkness.COLOR: WHITESEASON: SPRINGTRAITS: KIND, LOVING, GENTLE
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