Sonntag, 28. Mai 2006

What are your wings made of?

Cotton - your wings are made of COTTON. Youre a soft person. Easily damaged (more emotionally than anything else). You may try to hide yourself once in awhile but that's only if you see it will help others. Sometimes you don't think of others before you act and you end up saying something hurtful. Sometimes your actions are gentle, and taking the consideration of others in mind first. It's hard to discover the true you when you're trying so hard to play the role of what others are expecting of you and the need to feel as if you fit in with the society around you. You know what its like to be hurt and you try not to let others indulge in that pain. Most of your advice comes from experience and your smile is somethings a mask that covers the pain. You are most compatible with...LOVE

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Mauzi - 28. Mai, 21:30

mein Bild ist so klein geworden. was habe ich falsch gemacht?

Wolkentage - 29. Mai, 11:55

Da hast du nichts falsch gemacht, das Bild ist auch auf Quizilla so klein wenn ich mich recht erinnere..

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Ja hi erstmal hab ne kleine frage zu dem foto *hust*...
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ich finde auch sooo viele...
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Wo bist du?
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