Freitag, 30. Juni 2006

Which of the Natural Wonders are you?

You are the Victoria Falls! You are little known, but absolutely stunning to anyone who is presented the opportunity to behold your majestic beauty. You are constantly changing, learning, adapting, and growing, as seen in the water. The beautiful thing about water, however, is that it leaves a mark on the stones around it, just as you leave an impression on your friends and family. You are in a position of great influence. use it!

Mach mit!

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Crujach (Gast) - 1. Jul, 20:42

Ack! ;)

Passt ziemlich gut zu Dir :) *find*

Wolkentage - 1. Jul, 23:48

Dankeschön :)
Brianna (Gast) - 3. Jul, 21:40

Ich bin der Mount Everest

Well known and majestic, you are the largest mountain in the world. You, like Mount Everest, present a difficult challenge to anyone trying to conquer your heart, but the reward for succeeding is great. You are loyal and not easily swayed by temptation, is seen in the sturdyness of the mountain.

Kommt schon hin. Weiß nur nicht so ganz ob ich das jetzt gut finden soll, oder nicht *kopfschüttel*

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