Dienstag, 11. Juli 2006

What color are you?

Blue is the color you have scored as. You are the type of person that will often daydream about your future, or about a certain person. You spend most of your time in your own world, blocking out others voices, a teachers lecture, or things like that. You do have friends because you are most likely a nice person, just following a dream. You care about others, although you often will not show that, and you tend to tune out from the real world, making others think you do not care.
You, like the color black, are probably very artistic, and may end up unknownly doodling your latest daydream.
Also like the color black, you probably do not like going to big social events, seeing as you will not be socializing.
My advice to you, my friend, aside from rating this quiz, is quite simple. I would recommend that you try and live a bit more in the real world. Have dreams, of course! And do follow them! But listen to others a bit more, hear them out.

Mach mit!

Schön, blau, meine Lieblingsfarbe! :)

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